Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years!

So, I decided (if you've noticed) that I am not going to talk about my love life in great detail aka one person, if I'm dating multiple people then whatever but one I'm supersticious. Anyway! New Years is approaching, fast approaching, as I'm sitting in my robe waiting for my straighter to heat up, I reminice about the year and man, 2009 was NOT my year or 2008. It was a fun year, I admit, I've done a lot of partying, met new friends (with me that's the norm, I love new people) and got a lot accomplished. I have a few New Years resolutions, so let me share them with you.

Be Positive

That's it. That's my whole New Years Resolution. Anyway, Happy Drinking!

I leave you with another video... I know I'm addicted to them!


  1. I hate New Year's. Always such a disappointment. It's either miserable or vomit-filled. Nothing in between.
    Or maybe my life is just reallyreallybad lol.

  2. Happy New Year, June! I like your NY resolution. Mine is comment and blog more. That's not a real good one, is it?

    Anyhow, hope 2010 will be better for you (and still fun!). Take care, hun! x

  3. Oh my! I just reread my own blog post and realized I did make a proper resolution: take better care of myself.

    I feel so dumb lol


Good day, Good day, drop me a line or drop it like it's hot. It's your choice :)