Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sticky Hands, Sticky Fingers, Sticky

I'm going on VACATION! Well technically it's not vacation, I'm going to the bright and busy Tokyo for a few days with a few friends, with THE Friend but surprisingly, I'm excited about the VACATION, did I mention, I'm getting away from work, yessssssss. I know, how can I decide that I want to go on vacation when I live in the bright sunny and beautiful tropical paradise. I mean look at where I live... yep the bright and sunny beach side that's pictured in the left. I do love where I live but DAMN, wouldn't you get tired of unpredictable weather, humid heat and...umm...I have no idea why I'm complaining about tropical paradise, um LOOK WHERE I LIVE, anyway whatever, I need to visit, I need to be surrounded by men and most of all, I need some H&M in my life. I can't live without it.

And to top off things that I can't live without, Lindsay Lohan's leaked song Stuck is always on my brain, always being hummed underneath my breath. So catchy and every person has been there, just stuck on a certain person. Hell, I've been there many times as I mentioned before, I like to convince myself that I'm in love but I do admit, I was ALMOST there when I was 19. It was my most serious and only relationship kind of relationship (does that make sense). He lured me with amazing sex and a slightly good personality (when he wasn't telling me I should be wearing thongs hanging out of my pants with my bra showing through my shirt- no lies, you can't make that shit up) when I tried to submit an Ex-Boyfriend Letter to Skinny Dip, I literally couldn't even think of all the bad things he have done to me other than the cheating and the constant fighting whether it was over Myspace or through voicemail. I just dismiss that relationship as a petty relationship between two hotheaded, stubborn children. Some days I even forget how he looks like that's how insignificant he is to me.

Though, word on the street is that he's still talking about me. Almost two years later and I'm still on his mind. I guess I just got it like that :)

1 comment:

  1. So jealous of where you live!!!! I need to live somewhere like that...Florida?

    sound like you got under his skin girl!


Good day, Good day, drop me a line or drop it like it's hot. It's your choice :)